About Me

Hello World! If you’re reading this you’re looking at my “official” personal website, which is part travelogue and part portfolio. I maintain it for a couple reasons, namely to share my story and/or anything else I’ve been involved with that others might find interesting or helpful. As such I’ve posted much of my significant work here so that it’s publicly available – who knows, it might be useful to someone. I’ve also posted photos and narratives detailing the happenings of my life. Whenever posts involve traveling I try to add commentary that prospective travelers might find helpful (e.g., restaurant endorsements). I also try to add vivid, illustrative, and captioned photos whenever possible because I truly believe that good pictures ARE worth thousands of words. If this blog enlightens, amuses, or inspires in even the smallest sense then the time spent posting was worth it to me!

Chimney Rock, Nebraska (2010)

A bit about me… I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska (USA) on July 1, 1987 and lived there until I left for graduate work at Stanford University in 2011. Not surprisingly I’m a die-hard Nebraskan bursting with hometown pride. My youth was typical of Nebraska and I grew up hunting, fishing, watching Husker football, and traveling around a state known for The Good Life. I’ve been fortunate enough to see much of North America thanks to my supportive parents who valued the worldly wisdom that results from traveling. I got a great public education at Lincoln’s public schools in the 1990’s and early 2000’s and at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln thereafter where I earned my B.S. in industrial & management systems engineering. By 2010, for the first time in my life, I found my professional growth limited by my geography and with some ambivalence I set out for the best education I could find in California. I completed my management science & engineering M.S. coursework by 2o12 and shortly thereafter began a short stint working in Beijing, China. As of today, I’m looking for the next great opportunity for development and fulfillment in my life.

Curriculum Vitae

Engineer Intern Certificate

Bachelor of Science Degree



Email – stephen@huskers.unl.edu


Image Credits:

Copyright Stephen Hassler